A Mommy Makeover

A common phenomenon that occurs in married women, and especially moms, is the gradual loss of any sense of fashion. Of course, this is usually completely unintentional, it’s just that, well, life gets in the way. It tends to start slowly, creeping up behind you without your noticing as you rush out of the house in a sweatshirt specked with baby drool, and then grows with you- your old pair of jeans are still your everyday attire, but they are unrecognizable; they’re stretched out and faded and pull and sag in all the wrong places. While this sad turn of events is natural, you don’t have to sit back and let it happen. Here are a few practical ideas for updating your look in an easy, affordable way:

1.       Ditch the knapsack. Yes, they are incredibly convenient for new moms, as they have enough space to store a small nursery, but there are other, more fashionable ways to carry your diapers, change of clothes, bottles, snacks, cellphones etc. Why not try a big side bag, or even a stylish diaper bag?

2.       Aging, giving birth and just being a mom can all have an effect on your body. Often, women are too stressed or to helpless to do anything about the changes to their physical appearance. Exercise is a must-have in every mother’s life- it alleviates stress, boosts your health and physical look as well. It is a known fact that exercise also releases “happy” hormones, so get on that treadmill, join a gym, jump rope, go for a swim- choose whatever activity you can stick with.

Weight liftingAlthough there has never been a direct link between bleeding gums and infertility, but periodontitis has been linked with an increased risk of heart disease, and, heart disease has been linked with low sex drive do not show interest for lovemaking. cheap viagra in usa Make sure that you educate yourself on the viagra cheap prescription signs and symptoms of impotence issue. You might also be intercepted by a message asking you to soft viagra pills http://cute-n-tiny.com/tag/dinosaur/ restart the machine. With two Brit Awards for Best Male Solo Artist and Best British levitra price check description Breakthrough Act under his belt, it’s fairly safe to say that Ed Sheeran has arrived on the world stage.
3.       The clothes you wear ARE important. Old work pants, old aerobic shoes, floppy, oversized sweatshirts- these are not flattering articles of clothing! If you get lazy about your clothes, and stop caring about how you look, so will others. Sometimes women feel like this is easier, but if you are being honest with yourself, of course you still want your husband to find you attractive, and to tell you so, as well. If your jeans are worn out and saggy- it’s time to get new ones. Sizes change throughout a lifetime; accept it, and you’ll look and feel much better. Are you still wearing those old sneakers? Treat yourself to one or two new pairs of shoes. Stop wearing your husband’s sweatshirt every day. Occasionally it can be cute, but not all the time. If you do go on a shopping spree, maybe surprise your husband with an after-work date to show off those new heels!

4.       Lastly, it is extremely important to indulge in guilty pleasures every so often. Not only will your nails, feet, eyebrows, hair or face look healthier, your husband will be happier, and so will you. The goings-on of everyday life can be very stressful, especially for a mom, and often there is no time to spend on yourself. Your sleep pattern gets rearranged on a nightly basis, your main food source becomes pretzels that are grabbed while you run out the door for carpool…basically, your life is one big hectic race. Set a date each month for your personal sanity, and for at least a few hours, do something that you’ve been meaning to do. Go to a movie, go for a manicure… If you have no time to go to a beauty salon, there are plenty of do-it-yourself products available in drug stores- maybe buy a hair mask and turn that stringy, shapeless ponytail into a glossy new mane. It will make your week, you’ll see.

Managing your College Time

What is one of the most important lessons you can learn in college? It isn’t the anatomy of the snail or the history of medieval dance.  A critical life lesson for college and beyond is Time Management. Many college students say that their difficulties in managing time represent the greatest obstacle to succeeding in their studies. Time Management is a difficult skill to master but it is one that you can – and should – try your best to improve.

I personally found my first semester at university overwhelming, as I tried to create a balance among my new classes, social life and the basic living activities I had never had to do at home, where my parents did all the shopping, cooking and laundry. But by now, I’ve learned a few tips to improving my time management situation, so I’d like to share them with you.

Here are my 5 Top Time Tips:

1.      Identify YOUR best time for studying: Figure out if you’re a morning person or a night person and structure your schedule accordingly. Use your high periods for exam studying  and your down time for tidying up your dorm room.

2.      Get the Hard Stuff Over With:  Study the hardest subjects first, when you’re freshest. You’ll absorb information more quickly, saving time for other stuff.

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3.      Keep the Surroundings Simple: Don’t study in a place full of distractions. Find a quiet corner where you’ll have nothing else to do but the task at hand.

4.      Keep Study Time Short: Don’t try to get it all over with at once. Divide your study time into blocks for studying and for taking breaks. That way you won’t get overwhelmed and you can get everything on your “to do” list done.

5.      Party!! Don’t forget – college is more than just about studying. If you manage your time right, you’ll have plenty of time for fun and socializing too.

Good luck – and remember, we’ve all been there!

Beware of Hormone Pills for Menopause

For women taking hormone pills for menopause – they now have one more thing to worry about their health. As part of an analysis about hormone pills and the possibility of kidney stones, Dr. Naim Maalouf and his team analyzed government research.  Out of the 24,000 postmenopausal women taking either hormones or dummy pills in the study, those who were using hormones were 21% more likely to develop kidney stones over a five year period.

Dr. Naim Maalouf cautioned that women who are thinking of taking hormone pills should weigh the benefit against the risk of kidney stones. Certainly, they should also be aware of potential other health problems including breast cancers, heart attacks, and other serious problems that have been linked to these pills.

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The results of this study indicate that in the course of a year, out of 10,000 postmenopausal women taking hormones, five would develop kidney stones who wouldn’t have developed them otherwise.

Beware of Loan Sharks

Loan sharks are simply awful and should be avoided at all times.  Everyone knows that basic fact but, when one is desperate, it seems like it can be forgotten.  Unfortunately that is when the loan sharks strike and students are often especially vulnerable to being financially in strife. There’s just the most basic advice here, in fact instruction:  don’t do it.  Don’t be suckered in. It’s never going to help your situation and it will only make things worse.  No matter how badly you are off financially, going to a loan shark will just  makepills viagra canada This is a certified and approved product, which allows men to have an erection, which shall last for several hours. How To Choose The Best LCD TV There are many companies in the market, who have launched lot of models such as 32 inch LCD TV in the LCD viagra shop TVs. Radiculitis is from Latin radiculo for root low price levitra plus Greek pathos for suffering. Intake of cialis professional cheap black raisin is one among the very beneficial natural treatments for oligozoospermia. things worse.  Go to a bank, to family, to friends, but never a loan shark.  Speak to a student counselor (pretty much everyone and their dog has gone through financial strife while studying) and don’t let things get on top of you.  But if you do go to a loan shark, just know that you will never get out of paying back huge amounts of money and if you fail to meet these demands, your life will become hell. So just remember this rule:  do anything BUT go to a loan shark.

Lifting the Fog of Chemo Brain

Many cancer survivors complain that they deal with “chemo brain” which they describe as a mental fog and an inability to concentrate that continues long after their treatment ends. Now, a new study suggests that this condition may not be due to recent chemo alone.  Researchers, analyzing data gathered from 2001-2006 by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, found that people with a history of cancer were 40% more likely to report memory impairment.

Certainly, these issues may be due to the treatment and to the influence of chemotherapy, but researchers think that they may also be attributed to the disease itself which may change brain chemistry, or to psychological distress.

These findings were recently presented at an American Association for Cancer Research conference in Miami by Pascal Jean-Pierre of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.
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Dr. Jean-Pierre emphasized that his study shows that “this is a serious national problem” and treatment options may begin to focus on behavioral interventions and medications like antidepressants.

Getting Along with Roommates

Getting along with roommates can often be a very difficult task.  Especially if this is the first time you are sharing with people you don’t know and haven’t chosen.  Indeed, even if you know the person ahead of time but still are not accustomed to sharing such a confined space, it can be challenging at best.  So what should you do to make this as positive an experience as possible?  Or, some might ask, how do you ensure you don’t kill each other by the end of the first semester?  Here are some tried and tested tips:
1)    Set up some ground rules:  you have to sit down at the start of your time together to establish a few ground rules, such as will you be allowing partners to stay overnight?  How is the cleaning going to be managed?  Who is going to be in charge of buying basic supplies?  In a shared room, is there going to be a time for lights out and quiet time? Etc.
2)    Suggest a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly review:  you might not necessarily know 100% what you want right from the start.  So it could be a good idea to set out some basic ground rules but then come back for a review so that nothing is set in stone.
3)    Prioritize:  ask your roommates what’s the most important thing to her about sharing her space and you tell her the same for you.  Make sure you are on the same page.
4)    Always be considerate:  remember that you have no more right to the space than she does and be careful never to abuse that.
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5)    Set up some alone time: if it’s important to you not to be crowded the whole time and to be able to spend some time completely alone, ask her if you could each have one afternoon a week in which the other person vacates the room to allow for alone time.  Try to set something up that is mutually beneficial.
6)    Split the room:  if possible (without seeming petty) try to split the room so that you can still maintain your independence and create your own private space.
These are just some basic tips.  The most important piece of advice however is to ensure that the lines of communication stay open at all times; you make sure you are open to hearing her voice and then hopefully she will accord you the same respect.