The Importance of Green Spaces

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A new study from Denmark shows that living near a forest, park or other green space can protect mental health.

Amazingly, children who grow up near these natural, outdoor surroundings may have a 55 percent lower risk of developing mental health issues as adults. A correlation has been shown between the amount of time spent living near nature; the more time, the stronger the protective influence of green spaces.

Th exact interaction between mood and green spaces is unclear, but most people report feeling calmer and refreshed when outdoors. Studies have demonstrated that children who play outdoors display improvements in impulse control and attention span.

Factors such as lifestyle and finances can make visiting green spaces challenging, but motivation can usually overcome these obstacles. Local parks and walking and biking trails can provide free, healthy and local green spaces.


James Fishman has been involved in the world of online magazines for more than 15 years. He helped launch Sunstone Online and continues to improve the magazine as site editor and administrator. His writing focuses primarily business and technology. To be in touch with James, feel free to contact him at james[at]

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