Can you imagine living in a country that emphasized your happiness as a national priority? Bhutan has done just this. They actually have a Gross National Happiness Index – but it’s not necessary focused on happiness as some might define it. As Bhutan Prime Minister Dr. Lotay Tshering explains,

“We in Bhutan are very unique; our democracy is very, very unique … in the sense we all are grounded very strongly by our national values. We do not put personal interest ahead of national interest.
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They have a Centre for Bhutan and GNH Studies that administers their Gross National Happiness surveys. They ask people frequently about how happy they felt yesterday, how often they meditate and other parameters. Every five years they measure nine key areas of happiness and have done so in 210 and 2015 so far. The nine key areas include: psychological well-being, health, education, good governance, ecology, time use, community vitality, culture and living standards.
Their approach is a fascinating one and certainly one that other countries can learn a great deal from emulating, even in little ways.