Middleton’s Middle of Road Life?


Retail Therapy for Royal-To-Be


Who’s to say that Kate Middleton has to give up her regular life?  With just over a week to her big day, the royal-to-be was trying to enjoy a regular day out shopping, spotted in London’s King’s Road engaging in a bit of retail therapy.  And good for her.  It looked like she only had a couple of protection officers with her, with one of them in very casual clothing.

Still, there was no mistaking the class of the Queen-in-waiting who was dressed in a short-sleeved black wrap dress priced at £480 from Issa, perhaps not what a regular shopper would be clad in.  As well, her feet were adorned with tan court kitten heels, but these were hardly new as she has been seen in them four years ago!  Of course, her 19-carat sapphire and diamond engagement ring might have ultimately been what stood her out from the rest as the royal-to-be that she is.

Who knows what she was buying at Whistles?  Perhaps something for her honeymoon wardrobe; but the store refrained to divulge such information.  She was also spotted in Warehouse, a mid-market chain, engaging in a spot of High Street shopping.  

So Miss Middleton may be about to be a royal, but she still likes her fun girly retail outings like the rest of us.  And why shouldn’t she?  She’s still a girl at heart, no matter what her regal status might be.


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Footballer Meets Actress: Beckham and Vergara Merger




What happens when a famous successful footballer joins forces with a model-actress for an advertising campaign?  David Beckham, possibly “one of the most famous faces in the world,” has just joined Sofia Vergara (“Gloria” star of Modern Family) for a Pepsi 30-second commercial.


In the ad, the stunning 38-year-old Columbian sees a youngster sipping from a Pepsi can and thus herself craves it too.  Twitter to the rescue, she writes, “At the pier…just saw @David Beckham.”  This gets everyone looking for the famed 35-year-old footballer while “Gloria” gets her refreshing Pepsi drink.  


But it’s more than just Pepsi that the viewers get as they get quite the view of the stunning Columbian’s butt as she goes to get her refreshment.  Once with the drink she goes back to the serious business of getting a tan, but is shocked when she finds Beckham kicking a football towards her.  At the end of the commercial Vergara sips her Pepsi.


The commercial boasts more than the two famous individuals.  The soundtrack to the 30-second ad is by popular US Jazz singer Sarah Vaughan, “Whatever Lola Wants.”  


And if you can’t wait to see it on your screens, click here for the latest commercial from Pepsi.


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Footballer Meets Actress: Beckham and Vergara Merger




What happens when a famous successful footballer joins forces with a model-actress for an advertising campaign?  David Beckham, possibly “one of the most famous faces in the world,” has just joined Sofia Vergara (“Gloria” star of Modern Family) for a Pepsi 30-second commercial.


In the ad, the stunning 38-year-old Columbian sees a youngster sipping from a Pepsi can and thus herself craves it too.  Twitter to the rescue, she writes, “At the pier…just saw @David Beckham.”  This gets everyone looking for the famed 35-year-old footballer while “Gloria” gets her refreshing Pepsi drink.  


But it’s more than just Pepsi that the viewers get as they get quite the view of the stunning Columbian’s butt as she goes to get her refreshment.  Once with the drink she goes back to the serious business of getting a tan, but is shocked when she finds Beckham kicking a football towards her.  At the end of the commercial Vergara sips her Pepsi.


The commercial boasts more than the two famous individuals.  The soundtrack to the 30-second ad is by popular US Jazz singer Sarah Vaughan, “Whatever Lola Wants.”  


And if you can’t wait to see it on your screens, click here for the latest commercial from Pepsi.


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Royal Wedding Movie?




<h3>Memorabilia Not Enough?</h3>


Okay we know it’s exciting that there’s about to be another Royal Wedding.  We’ve seen the memorabilia and even heard about the upcoming street parties.  But a movie?  Isn’t that a bit much?  Apparently not; it’s happening.  A made-for-TV movie has been produced about the romantic story of William and Kate’s courtship.  


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While that in and of itself wouldn’t be so bad, it’s the fact that critics have claimed it is so incredibly distasteful that is.  Although some have said “it’s so bad, it’s good,” and may even lead to William and Kate taking a pew.  But they will probably end up either laughing or crying as apparently precision wasn’t on director Mark Rosman’s lips when he did his research for the production.


Actor Justin Hanlon who plays Prince Harry for example, had never even heard of Prince Philip or Eton (the school his character attended) and in fact couldn’t name any other monarch throughout British history other than the Queen.  The name David Cameron was foreign to him too!


So if you want a sneak preview, click here and you might actually even have a laugh.  Either that or, if you’re a Brit proud of your heritage, you might actually end up crying. 


Has Twitter Over-Tweeted?

Holly Willoughby to Birth Online

Twitter is a great social media tool but is it possible that it can go too far? Possibly. Since childbirth is meant to be a private, or at least an intimate experience, it does seem a bit strange that Holly Willoughby will be using the social network to broadcast her birthing experience, due to be viewed by hundreds of thousands of eager onlookers. But it’s not as extreme as it first looks. She’s not actually going to be screening her birth online. It’s just going to be updates posted by her co-presenter on the This Morning show, Philip Schoefield.
Miss Willoughby went into labor two days ago and Schoefield has done his best to keep fans “fully up to speed” on his own Twitter page. Perhaps a little scary is the fact that Willoughby went into hospital just two days ago, which was a month before her due date. She was having contractions last night but was reported to not be in full labor.

The Twitter activity might not be as bad as was initially thought. It seems that it is just her co-presenter Schoefield who is reporting the news. Apparently he has ensured that “barely a contraction goes unreported” to his 675,000 followers. One of his posts late last night read the following: “For everyone asking. News from @hollywills is that there’s no news really. Everyone fine, but very tired, still no new baby though.”Prostate is an important part of the reproductive organs where the body genitalia fails to respond well one can make use of 20mg power pills of in stock purchase viagra. new.castillodeprincesas.com india online viagra We are one of best pharmacy wholesalers regarding marketing the particular Propecia capsules. This semi- sildenafil generic from canada liquid medicinal drug has been initiated only for curing erectile dysfunction. It is the pressure put into each vertebra of the spine, thus hindering the proper flow of signals and energy from the brain to the different parts of the body. levitra low cost continue reading for info

Right now it just looks like it’s all pretty harmless fun and games and Miss Willoughby has given her consent to it all. After all, it was her who announced the pregnancy back in November on Twitter. At least the actual birth won’t be broadcast live on Twitter.

Well, it certainly is one way of getting more Twitter followers for those aiming for big numbers.

Great Big Brother

There are good big brothers and then there are great big brothers. Clearly Timo Perez falls into the latter category. He immediately stepped in when his little brother Carlos was being attacked by a German shepherd mix dog who had “escaped from a nearby business lot.” The attack took place in their backyard, in Homestead, South Florida, where the two boys were just innocently playing with another friend who lived nearby.
It seemed from his protective actions that Timo (only six-years-old) wasn’t a bit concerned for his own safety; it was just instinct that drove him to protect his four year old brother and the four year old friend. He really put himself on the line as the two little boys hid, leaving poor Timo to have his arm, shoulder and head be bitten into. But this didn’t stop Timo or make him run scared. On the contrary, he used “his body as a barrier between the dog and the younger boys…refusing to move as the frenzied attack continued,” with the younger boys watching in total terror.

Timo just waited until finally the dog finished and ran off which was when he went to get help and was immediately taken to Miami Children’s Hospital “where he received surgical staples in his scalp, shoulder and arm.” Thankfully it looks like tough Timo will make a full recovery.
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Timo Undaunted by Heroism

While news traveled fast of Timo’s heroism, the boy remained somewhat confused by all the attention. He was even interviewed on WSVN-TV news and didn’t seem to realize what all the fuss was about. When asked if he’s now scared of dogs, his innocent reply was “No, just the one dog that’s mean.” The dog has now been destroyed and its owner has been cited according to a police spokesman.