It’s an interesting question. If you were asked to decide on the absolute best book of the last 125 years, what would you say? And would other people agree with you? Or would you be an outlier? The New York Times recently put this question out to its readership. And it’s not the biggest surprise to see which book was selected – considering that most people believe that it’s an incredibly impactful piece of literature.

What is, perhaps, even more interesting is to take a look at the top 25 books that they compiled in order to come up with a winner. How many of these books have you read? Which did you love, and which did you not feel warranted being part of this list?
As 2022 begins, it’s a fun time to consider the books that you want to add to your reading list for the coming year. What do you hope to gain from your reading time? Do you want to join a book group to discuss these books? These are the types of interesting questions that we can all ask ourselves as we look through the New York Times list and plan the year ahead for ourselves.