Dr. Jaymie Albin On Current Trends in Therapy

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many more people to seek the help of mental health professionals. Technological advances and the prevalence of telemedicine are also making it easier for people to participate in therapy.

Dr. Jaymie Albin, a New York City-based clinical psychologist, CBT practitioner, and yoga instructor says that many of the stress management techniques people used before corona are not available to them, compelling those in need to seek professional intervention. The app Talkspace, which connects clients to licensed therapists via text and video calls, has seen user growth double since March.

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Similarly, Dr. Albin says that the current trend of using Zoom and other interactive platforms is making people feel more comfortable about talking to a therapist. According to Albin, whereas some patients might have once been loathe to be seen walking into a therapist’s office, now they can talk to the right person from the comfort of their own home. Albin insists that in some cases, and for some patients, it makes the entire thing a lot less nerve-wracking.

Jaymie Albin trends in therapy3
Teletherapy is making it easier to seek and provide mental health support

Albin also reports that an immediate result of prolonged isolation has spurred a swell in the therapy industry. In a turbulent economy, Albin says, it is not uncommon to see a decline in therapy-seekers; people view mental health as a luxury. But when economic realities are coupled with extended periods of social isolation, health uncertainties, and extreme stress, most people find the time and resources to devote to their emotional and psychological states.

Programs Battle Teen Suicide

In the fast-moving world of today, many parents and teachers have little time to take notice or act upon what may seem like teenage mood swings or oversensitivity. However, awareness of teenage depression is increasing due to undeniable facts, and sometimes, the tragic consequences.

In the US, around two million adolescents experience at least one major depressive incident every year. While suicide is more rare, teenage anxiety and depression have other significant effect’s on a teen’s life, and may lead to decreased performance or attendance at school and extracurricular activities, tension with parents, siblings and other family members, withdrawal from social circles and general lack of support, severe emotional distress, alcohol and drug use, and lastly, suicide.

Suicide Facts

For many, suicide may seem like an unlikely result, however, suicide is the third-leading cause of death in adolescents aged 11-18. This past year, 15% of high school students reported serious thoughts of killing themselves during the year, while 11% report having made a suicide plan, 7% have reported attempts and 2% have reported attempts that left them in need of medical care. Parents are generally unaware of their child’s situation. Even after the fact, only 10% of suicide attempts are known to parents.
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What Can You Do?

Still, there is a lot a parent or other caregiver can do to help their child avoid such actions. 63% of teens at risk of suicide reveal psychiatric symptoms for more than a year before their suicide. By keeping an open mind and monitoring your child’s mental and emotional state, it is possible to help them avoid the situation completely. There are various programs available which  offer free annual mental health screening for adolescents in medical practices, schools and various other frameworks. Working hand in hand with the parents or caregivers, the program provides a safe, noninvasive method of monitoring and supporting teenagers throughout their most vulnerable years.