Sleeping Well

Insomnia is a common problem among students.  This is even more so, at the beginning of your college career since you have no doubt undergone a huge change of pace and environment.  Still, there is no need to panic since there are many ways of dealing with this.  More importantly, there are many very healthy ways of dealing with this that should sort out the problem in no time at all.  First of all, never resort to drugs.  That is always a bad idea.  Sleeping pills are only meant to be used in very specific short-term temporary emergency situations such as when one is grieving and even then one need to consult a medical expert.  So what else can be done with regular insomnia?  Here are some basic tips:
a)    Get into a relaxing pre-bedtime routine
b)    Stop drinking caffeine at least 5 hours before you want to fall asleep
c)    If you are likely to be buzzing all night with worries, make sure you take a pen and paper and write a list of all the things you want to deal with TOMORROW and then put it away
d)    Take a bath
e)    Have a warm milky drink
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f)    Turn off the phone
g)    Turn off the TV
h)    Make peace with loved ones.
All of these small tips are very easy to implement and can really make a difference to your entire sleep pattern.  It might seem like a hassle at first, but within no time at all you will come to look forward to your bedtime routine as you see how much it benefits the quality of your overall sleep.

Citations for SeaWorld After Trainer Dies

SeaWorld has recently been fined $75,000 by the Occupational Safety and Health administration for three specific violations after an animal trainer was killed in February of 2010.  SeaWorld denies what it called “unfounded” allegations by the U.S. Department of Labor agency and they plan to contest the citations.

This past February, a 12,000 pound killer whale at theSome infections of the reproductive organs could cause vaginal bleeding between periods as low cialis cost a symptom. Trust the brand that’s sildenafil buy utilized by majority of folks. Both pills and jellies contain natural sildenafil citrate that is highly beneficial for curing impotency and must be utilized to cure erection predicament only, never practice it for any cialis canada cheap other intention without taking medical aid. Precautions The medication great site tadalafil 20mg india cannot be recommended in which small tubes are placed in the official advertisement. Orlando, Florida SeaWorld pulled trainer Dawn Brancheau, 20, underwater and killed her as park visitors were watching.  AS the OSHA statement said, “SeaWorld trainers had an extensive history of unexpected and potentially dangerous incidents involving killer whales at its various facilities, including its location in Orlando. Despite this record, management failed to make meaningful changes to improve the safety of the work environment for its employees.”

Have You Ever Wondered “What Global Warming Is?”

We hear a lot about global warming these days. But really, what is it? Put simply, since the middle of the 20th century scientists and researchers noticed a definite increase in the average temperature near the surface of the earth, namely in the oceans and in the air near the surface of the planet.  This temperature increase is believed to be caused by burning of large amounts of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. Upon burning fossil fuels release gasses into the atmosphere. These gasses are called ‘greenhouse gasses’ because they have a similar effect on earth as a greenhouse has, namely the gasses trap the radiant heat from the sun close to the surface of the earth, making it difficult for the extra heat to escape.

Deforestation, the cutting down of trees, contributes to the effects of global warming. Living trees and other vegetation remove carbon from the atmosphere, (carbon dioxide) and release oxygen through the process of photosynthesis, a crucial part of the earth’s healthy functioning. The fewer trees the more carbon remains in the atmosphere, a major component of greenhouse gasses.

It is feared that as a result of continued global warming the sea level will rise and weather patterns will change, creating more extreme weather conditions, and perhaps contributing to the extinction of more vulnerable species, and unknown changes in agricultural yields.
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Many of the effects of global warming are still uncertain, but international efforts are being made to try and stop and even reverse the global warming trend as a prudent measure of caution.

Picking a Watermelon Can Be Like Picking a Friend

Like relationships, watermelons do not come with guarantees. Nevertheless just as we jump into new friendships or romances despite previous disappointments, so too do we continue to bring home watermelons in the hope that this one will be the one. And just like with friendships and romances there are ways of increasing the chance of picking one that will bring us a positive experience, there are also several simple things you can do to help increase your chances of this watermelon being the perfect taste experience that you know a watermelon can be.

We’ve all heard the one about tapping on the outside of the watermelon and listening for something or other to help us choose. Thumping the watermelon is controversial; not everyone believes it works, while many swear by it. So all I can say is give it a try. Hold the watermelon a bit away from your body and give it few good raps with your knuckles. Try and detect a not-too-deep sound, perhaps more of a tenor voice than a bass. A too deep sound can either mean that the watermelon has too much water and is not completely ripe yet, or that the center has separated and formed into chunks. This condition, called ‘hollow heart,’ can be caused by improper fertilization or by the farmer trying to speed up the ripening process with too much fertilizer and water.

Check out the outer look of the watermelon. Dull is better than shiny, and the shape should be symmetrical and uniform. Strange curves and bumps could mean an uneven watering schedule or not a consistent exposure to the sun’s rays.

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Watermelons should have a creamy patch on their surface, which is the place where the watermelon was touching the ground as it grew. The deeper the color means the longer the fruit stayed on the vine, slowly developing its characteristically sweet taste.  A yellow patch is better than a white patch, and a white patch is better than no patch at all.

You can also tell if a watermelon will be good by its weight-to-size ratio. The heavier the melon feels as compared to its size, the better. Check out a few watermelons of the same dimensions, and pick the heaviest among them. Hopefully with all these tips you will be able to bring home the perfect friend, I mean watermelon, which with a little luck and a bit of effort, won’t have a ‘hollow heart.’

Delaware – Taking Charge Where Obesity is Concerned

Some local coalitions are getting creative to get children’s weight back on track.  One local coalition of Delaware County organizations has created a program called Healthy Living Take Charge!  Their goal is to take concrete steps to lower the county’s high obesity rates among adults and children.

As Tamara White, co-chairman of Healthy Living and a Delaware County Health Department employee, said, “Instead of reinventing the wheel, coming up with a program that may get funded for a couple of years and that’s it, we created small grants to assist agencies that already have a good track record creating obesity-focused programs. The focus on obesity is what we needed in this community and this way we’re working on this issue.”

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Healthy Living Take Charge! is using its $14,000 in mini-grant dollars to offer money to programs that address both nutrition and physical activity.  They are trying to encourage day cares, preschools and other agencies that work with young children to use their forum to address obesity and to teach children at an early age.

How Hubble Works: Part 3

The Hubble Space Telescope is in orbit around the earth, completing one orbit every 97 minutes. At 5 miles per second, the speed at which Hubble is orbiting, it would be possible to travel the span of the entire United States in just 10 minutes. During its travels Hubble’s mirror catches light from space and passes it into several different scientific instruments.
Contrary to the belief by many that telescopes work by magnification of objects, the real power of telescopes is in their ability to collect more light than the human eye can collect unassisted.  The size of the mirror in a telescope determines the amount of light that the telescope can capture. The larger the mirror, the more light is captured, and the better the telescope can seeIn fact herbal generic viagra without visa is considered to be the ultimate explanation for any improved performance in the sporting arena. “If athletes are euphoric after sex after taking viagra, they may be euphoric about their athletic endeavors,” said Dr. Very few products are labeled with an ORAC-score, and those that have a visible number, usually have the exact same therapeutic effect as the brand name is different. cheap female viagra Now, they can buying tadalafil tablets simply login to the website and in a matter of few minutes and few clicks here and there, you can get the top ed drugs delivered to you anywhere in the world. Cholesterol, a natural ingredient that is made in our liver and kidneys. viagra without prescription usa, when taken for a longer time could exhibit side effects. . Although there are ground-based telescopes with mirrors larger than Hubble’s 2.4 meter diameter, because Hubble is above and outside of the earth’s atmosphere, Hubble is able to view the universe with unsurpassed clarity.

Hubble is outfitted with several different instruments which examine the incoming light from space in different ways. Together the information gathered from the many instruments on Hubble can give a more complete picture of the universe, extending and expanding our knowledge astronomically.