Getting Ready for the Superbowl….Bathroom Breaks

As people around the country get ready for the upcoming Superbowl, they are speculating about who will win, about how much the tickets will go for, and about whether Taylor Swift will make it from Japan on time; not many people, however, are probably speculating about the….bathrooms.

But you can bet the venue has spent a lot of time and money thinking about, worrying about, and testing the bathrooms. With 65,000 fans coming to Allegiant Stadium, there are certainly a lot of worries about the facilities. Before the facility opened in 2020, they actually conducted what they call a “Super Flush”, where they flushed all 1430 toilets and urinals at the same time to make sure that the plumbing would work and hold.

If you think about it, while time is money, bathroom breaks are a lack of money. When you’re waiting in line to go to the bathroom, you are not buying food at the concessions and t-shirts at the various stalls – and the arena certainly wants you to spend your time on these activities. Bathrooms have become an art, and one that involves architects, arena managers and others. The more bathrooms there are, the closer they are to the users’ location, and the more clear they are about which are occupied and which are free, the faster people will be in and out.

As Julie Amacker, the director for CAA icon said in relations to the Super Flush they conducted years ago, “We don’t ever want there to be 60,000 or 70,000 people in the building and have the system fail. This is one of the last boxes to check that says we’re ready.”