Vital Vitamin D: What Great Britain is Doing

It seems like everywhere on the news these days is something about Vitamin D and how we are all poorly lacking in this vital supplement.  Well, Britain is now doing something about it.  Marks and Spencer (M&S) – one of the most popular food chain stores in the country – has now introduced a new line of produce called ‘Simply More.’  This is a new range of food items that has a substantial Vitamin D supplement.  According to the store’s nutritionist Claire Hughes, “we want to make it as easy as possible for our customers to stay healthy and get their daily dose of Vitamin D without having to worry about getting out in the sunshine.”

Of course, for many Britons, they are lacking the essential Vitamin D due to lack of sunshine in the region.  That is why M&S jumped on the bandwagon fast, fortifying milk, yogurt and fruit juices at the store.  In addition, the ‘Simply More’ line will be supplemented with omega 3 and calcium but the prices of these products will not increase.

A lack of Vitamin D can cause many problems such as rickets (children) brittle bones (elderly) as well as the potential for heart disease, cancer and diabetes.  Further, Vitamin D is vital for teeth and bone strengthening and can even prevent Alzheimer’s.
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A recent article in Reuters Health found that increasing Vitamin D in one’s diet also substantial “reduced risk factors for type 2 diabetes by improving the function of insulin-producing cells in pre-diabetic volunteers.”  According to one of the study’s authors Dr. Anastassios Pittas, “the results… suggest that vitamin D supplementation may help to improve the main defect in type 2 diabetes.”