One Man’s Crusade Against Sugary Drinks

coca-cola-473780_640Here is an interesting way to take a stand. Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has declared that he’s putting a “sugar tax” on all sweet drinks that are served at his restaurants. And he is doing so as a protest to the government’s refusal to introduce such a measure. He plans to charge 10p for every sugary drink bought at his stores, and the money will go towards better education about healthy eating.

As he told the Sunday Times: “I was born into the restaurant industry and I truly believe that by joining together on this issue we not only send a powerful and strong message to government but we also have the potential to make a long lasting legacy that could ripple across the world. I’ve seen first-hand the heartbreaking effects that poor diet and too much sugar is having on our children’s health and futures. Young children are needing multiple teeth pulled out under general anesthetic and one in three kids [is] now leaving primary school overweight or obese. Soft drinks are the biggest single source of sugar among school-age kids and teenagers and so we have to start here.’

All money from the levy will go into the fund for the charity Sustain, which advocates for better food and farming policies and practices to support children to eat more healthy foods. The Jamie Oliver Restaurant Group plans to kick off the efforts by donating £25,000 and they expect to raise about £80,000 in the first year from the tax.

Recently, when urged to impose such a tax, the Prime Minister’s official spokesman said Mr Cameron did not “believe that the right approach here is to put sugar taxes on hard-working people to increase the weight and cost of their shopping baskets.”

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