Avoiding a ‘Smartphone Face’

A recent theory has emerged, claiming that technology enthusiasts are more likely to develop saggy jowls or face wrinkles as a result of their habits.

The head is often bent downwards slightly during use of a laptop or smartphone, and as these devices become more popular, people spend full hours, if not days, staring into their screens. The occurrence is now referred to as ‘smartphone face’, and many experts believe it is the leading cause for the increase in skin-tightening and chin-enhancing treatments today. The trend also has a negative effect on posture, which also leads to wrinkles and double chins.

According to Dr. Mervyn Patterson of the Woodford Medical Group, “If you sit for hours with your head bent slightly forward, staring at your iPhone of laptop screen, you may shorten the neck muscles and increase the gravitational pull on the jowl area, leading to a drooping jawline.”

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Dr. Malcom Roth of ASPS explained that self-consciousness regarding these areas is on the rise. “The chin and jawline are among the first areas to show signs of aging. As more people see themselves on video chat technology they may notice their jawline is not as sharp as they want.”

There are serious health problems that can arise from the leaning neck and bad posture, as well. Back pains, spinal conditions, even breathing problems can appear as a result. Chronic smartphone use becoming increasingly common, but in order to compensate it is important to do routine stretches and strengthening exercises, as well as to take a break from all screens for at least a few hours each day.

Choosing the Right Laptop

Now you’re a student, if you don’t have one already, you’re going to need to invest in a laptop.  Since there are so many different ones available on the market, it is worth doing a bit of research before making the purchase.  Here is a brief list of some of the things you might want to look out for:
a)    Price – that is probably the most important factor.  You don’t want to start going over your budget before you’ve even started your college years. Make a complete budget for your needs during college and feature the laptop into them. Don’t go over, no matter how tempting a particular model looks.
b)    Weight – laptops can vary tremendously in how heavy they are.  If lagging around a heavy laptop is going to be burdensome for you, choose one that is lighter in weight.  Check out the different models for how they feel before purchasing.
c)    Apple or PC – if you are a graphics person, you might want to choose an Apple laptop.  They are also generally known to be more stable and dependable and crash less often.  On the other hand, they tend to price somewhat higher so bear that in mind if you are interested in the Apple.  The PC, while running slightly cheaper, can also benefit those who want to have exactly the same programs as the majority of other people since there are more PC than Apple users these days.
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d)    Storage – make sure you have a safe place to store your laptop in your college dorms.  Never leave it out or exposed.  Laptops are so popular with thieves.
Go get yourself a laptop for your college needs. Just make sure you research the various models ahead of time.